
50% of Self-Made Millionaires Worked Their Way Through College

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I worked my way through college as a Janitor for the New York City public school system. If it wasn’t for that Janitor job, I would have ever been able to pay for college.

I was so jealous of my friends whose parents had enough money to not only pay for their college education, but to be able to afford to send my friends away to college.

I thought I was one of the “unlucky” ones, but it turns out that I was one of many.

Fifty percent of the self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study worked their way through college. It turns out that when you are forced to work your way through college you get a two-for-one: a college degree and a warrior work ethic.

Being forced to work to pay for college helped me and many other self-made millionaires forge a warrior work ethic and that work ethic, I learned, follows you into your adult life.

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