
Should I cash my RRSP to pay off my mortgage?

Ask MoneySense

Is it a good idea to pay off my mortgage with my RRSP money and then put what my mortgage payment was back into the RRSP once I’ve paid it off? What are the pros and cons of this strategy to being mortgage free?


Pay off a mortgage or keep investing with RRSPs?

Paying off your mortgage with your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and then putting what your mortgage amounts would have been back into the RRSP may not be a good strategy for several reasons.

  1. If you withdraw any money from your RRSP, it is taxed as income. There is withholding tax on the withdrawal initially, but the total tax depends on your other sources of income for the year when you file your tax return.
  2. If you withdraw from an RRSP, you do not recapture that initial RRSP contribution room and you may not be able to re-contribute the same amount back to the RRSP unless you have sufficient current room. This means you will forgo years of compounded returns on the money you have withdrawn, and it can never be made up. This is unlike TFSAs where withdrawal amounts will be added back to your contribution room the following year.
  3. You might be earning a higher return within your RRSP than the interest you are paying on your mortgage. If this is the case, it makes sense to continue paying your mortgage while getting higher returns on your savings.
  4. An RRSP is best withdrawn when your income is lower, and contributions best made when your income is higher. Depending on your income now, the timing may not be the best and if you are receiving Old Age Security benefits, the withdrawal of RRSP money may move you into the OAS clawback range. This could lead to a tax rate of over 50%, and as high as 62% for a high-income earner in Quebec in 2023.

A better strategy to pay down your mortgage is to accelerate the payments by an additional—and affordable—amount, which is applied directly to the principal. That has the effect of reducing the amortization period, even if it means reducing or forgoing RRSP contributions. Speak to your mortgage lender or use a mortgage calculator to estimate the results of accelerated additional payments in your particular case.


Use our mortgage payment calculator

Our calculator will help you understand what a mortgage will cost you in real terms while factoring for interest rates, amortization period, fixed or variable terms, and more.

The post Should I cash my RRSP to pay off my mortgage? appeared first on MoneySense.

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